Hello Electrify Oregon Members: Thanks for your interest in the coaching program! 1. Recruiting coaches: I hope you can do some recruiting in your community. I have attached the slides that we showed yesterday and also a flyer on what coaches can expect. Please let me or Julie know if we can help in any way or answer questions, or if you have suggestions. 2. How to sign up for the rewiring class: You can find out more and sign up for the Rewiring program here: I didn't catch all the names of people who raised their hands with interest i. Please give me the names of anyone who is planning to take the class. We can send the names of those interested to Rewiring America, and the leader of the program has promised us to let the Oregonians in. Cheers, Lisa Adatto Electrify Oregon Coaching Program Recruitment Fyler_Electrify Oregon Coaching Program_updated 4.29.2024 Lisa Adatto c: (503) 914-9678 [email protected] UMPQUA TRANSPORTATION
ELECTRIFICATION TEAM Monthly Zoom Meetings Fourth Thursday . 4 PM Information: 541-672-9819 OUR EFFORTS ARE ELECTRIFYING The Coalition recognizes that the key to a fossil free transportation future is electric vehicles. To that end, we have formed the Umpqua Transportation Electrification Team. Meeting by Zoom at 4 PM on the fourth Thursday of the month, the Team is dedicated to the promotion and expansion of electric vehicle use in Douglas County. Consisting of the major electric utilities, non-profits, businesses and citizen advocates, we welcome public participation at our meetings to get the word out to our community. If you would like to participate or want more information, contact 541-672-9819. CALL TO ACTION!
IT’S UP TO US! We encourage you to join us as we work with our community to build power from the ground up. Consider the following: * While meaningful legislative is not happening at the Federal level, we do have a chance in Oregon. We are working with other Oregon groups to pass legislation which will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our State. Join us in this important effort. * Renewable energy and energy efficiency are critical to reducing climate pollution. Through our DC Smart Energy group, we are developing large solar projects, working to increase the number of available electric vehicle charging stations and promoting energy efficiency in our community. Join us if you wish to be part of these solutions to global warming. * Greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels are increasing the acidity of our oceans, warming our rivers and streams – threatening fish and mollusks. Our Aquatics Group is educating the public on the latest science and solutions to this problem. We welcome your help to preserve Oregon’s way of life. * Climate change never gets the attention it deserves in the media. We must be the voice that reaches out to keep the urgency of taking climate action before the public. Join us in writing letters to the editor and be that voice for our children and future generations. * The Douglas County Global Warming Coalition is known for its top of the line presenters on the science of climate change. These have included Dr. Jane Lubchenco, former head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Dr. Phillip Mote, contributor to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Help us to continue to bring science to Douglas County. Contact us at 541-672-9819. |
The DCGWC has several working groups focused on effective strategies for adapting to climate change in Douglas County.
EnergyDouglas County Smart Energy
A project of the coalition consisting of nonprofits, major utilities, and private individuals dedicated to promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy. Check out the group's website at: For more information, call Polly Stirling at 541-672-9819. Our meetings are generally on the 4th Monday of the month, at the Douglas Electric Co-op, 1981 NE Stephens St in Roseburg. Forestry
Climate changes we're currently experiencing affect forest viability through drought, fire, pests, and other mechanisms. Forest functions and jobs are likely to suffer.
Past Forestry Subgroup discussions have focused on factors impacting forest productivity, such as soil health, water retention, and fire intensity, as well as management vehicles designed to promote climate resilience (climate vulnerability assessments, incentive programs for private forest owners, and examining the Oregon Forest Practices Act in light of our best science). For more information, or to join our work, contact Neal Hadley, [email protected] |
WaterThe Aquatics Group
With ocean acidification and warming waters affecting our fisheries and shellfish industry, this group is identifying ways to adapt to these impacts. For more information, contact Stuart Liebowitz, 541-672-9819. Transportation and Land UseTransportation is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Land use, the
layout and rules governing how we build our communities, has a major impact on how we travel so land use and transportation are linked due to that relationship. The Land Use and Transportation group looked at ways to deal with the impacts including conducting a vulnerability assessment of infrastructure, managing a population influx, planning for transportation options and reviewing codes for allowing higher density zoning and for mixed use/transit-oriented development. Efforts include helping Roseburg to become a Bicycle Friendly Community, and preparations to participate in Roseburg’s updated to its Transportation System Plan. |
Support our Local Farmer's Markets
Melrose Farmer's Market
Fridays 4-7
305 Melrose Road
Umpqua Valley Farmer's Market
Saturdays 9-1
First United Methodist Church
1771 W Harvard
Lookingglass Farmer's Market
Thursdays 2:30-5:30
7426 Lookingglass Road
Sutherlin Farmer's Market
Saturdays 10-2
Tractors Supply Parking Lot
328 Dakota St.
Myrtle Creek Farmer's Market
Saturdays 10-2
Elks Lodge
106 S. Main
Canyonville Farmer's Market
Wednesdays 9:30-1:30
7 Feathers Parking Lot
146 Chief Miwaleta Lane
Melrose Farmer's Market
Fridays 4-7
305 Melrose Road
Umpqua Valley Farmer's Market
Saturdays 9-1
First United Methodist Church
1771 W Harvard
Lookingglass Farmer's Market
Thursdays 2:30-5:30
7426 Lookingglass Road
Sutherlin Farmer's Market
Saturdays 10-2
Tractors Supply Parking Lot
328 Dakota St.
Myrtle Creek Farmer's Market
Saturdays 10-2
Elks Lodge
106 S. Main
Canyonville Farmer's Market
Wednesdays 9:30-1:30
7 Feathers Parking Lot
146 Chief Miwaleta Lane